Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (561) 707-5501


About CranioSacralQigong

For centuries people have been using holistic methods to treat a variety of different ailments as well as to improve their overall well-being. Craniosacral Qigong is one of those methods. A form of medical Qigong, this therapeutic process is based on a teacher-student relationship that helps refine and regulate the energy of the breath during the craniosacral process.

As a trained and qualified Medical Qigong doctor and teacher, Cloe Couturier is ready to lead you on an educational journey through wellness and self-healing as you learn to balance your state of health and create the foundation for a better life. Reach out to our doctor today to learn more about her holistic practices.

How Does Craniosacral Qigong Work?

Evolving over two decades, CSQG comes from the practice of combining two health-based modalities–craniosacral therapy and medical Qigong–into one. The context of CSQG within a relationship makes it a very human process.

As a teacher-student relationship, the roles are able to be interchanged since both parties bring their own life experiences to the sessions. This allows us all to learn, practice, and get better at discovering more about our good health, being healthy, and the overall healing process.

CranioSacral Qigong in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

These are some of the most ancient teachings that keep evolving as science evolves, not only proving and validating the authenticity of these most ancient teachings but also enhancing the space of the interface of the CraniosacralQigong® therapeutic encounter.

Qigong and other related therapies are some of the most ancient holistic teachings known to man. As science evolves, so do these therapies so that they become even more effective in treating and assisting those that use them. CraniosacralQigong® enriches and empowers the CST practice/process by:


  • Amplifying your Qi and raising your Vibration
  • Supporting the Healing Process through Specific Meditations for Specific Conditions
  • Identifying Qi Deviations by Unfolding & Rerouting “Roadmaps” Towards Health
  • Activating, Exercising, and Embodying Righteous Qi to Encourage the Regulation & Self-Regulatory Processes