Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (561) 707-5501

Qigong facilitates natural flow of Qi and good health=> good economy! 

Medical Qigong and all Chinese Medicine is based on facilitating flow of Qi- our energetic resources- by balancing its activity, and rerouting it in its pathways – the meridians-

We are moment to moment either too much or not enough therefore constantly aiming toward a state of balance globally as a unit in our external relationship with the world, the environment and people around us and all the way to a cellular level as we move forward in time- and space-.

That is Qi = the difference between a living body and a dead body to simplify.
The dead body has bones and muscles and nerves and tissue just like the live body, just no more Qi.

If we do not self-regulate appropriately and regularly (sounds familiar anyone?  out with the bad and in with the good) we will be progressively going in a state of dis-ease at some point sooner or later and this is when the body will start giving signals
– HEY! pay attention to me…not at ease…discomfort… symptoms…pains…not happy AT ALL…anxiety…fear…anger emotions …stop this…less of this… more of that.. no more if that…I am confused…so confused…:) etc…- it is calling to pay attention and change something we need to change:)
most of the time we will:) right!?!
cause if we don’t …guess what???
it will get worst:( and worst:(:(:)—yep we know it we really do inside of ourselves/cells and that is the inherent intelligence at work…listen NOW!

So…what happens if we don’t listen and take a pill instead- drugs-?
we suppress this-our very own, mine, yours- inherent ability to self-correct and
we rob our precious Qi and the very intelligent body will continue its own course but
it will adapt and compensate and the Qi will deviate from its original pathways
and will perpetuate imbalances that never got to self-correct
and will get depleted from its own very intelligence progressively:(

Overtime these imbalances will compound and will re-create more dis-eases
in different forms muting into different symptoms or more of the same and this will become what
most chronic illnesses are all about:(

Medical Qigong is all about facilitating these natural inherent processes and facilitating their self-regulation through the main organs,
the liver , the heart , the spleen , the lungs and the kidneys, that are the main Qi engines of the body.
Medical Qigong is helping the body to do it itself so that it can get back to its original pathways.
Balancing yin and yang.

Medical Qigong is a way to re-boot the system and helping the Qi to move so it can do its thang as it knows to, it is like acupuncture but without needles and with more tools in our hands.
Therefore Medical Qigong helps preserving our internal resources and facilitates health and the good one naturally!
The opposite is true, pills will continue to promote dis-ease since the root cause of the issue never really got addressed to begin with and will create a chain of events that will be based on deviations off the main highways that never got to be rebuilt therefore could never be reused-

It is more energy efficient to travel on the main highways then to take the back roads!!! that is what it comes down to…
It does not mean you need to stop the pills you are taking now if you are because it might disrupt the new balance you are in, this is a piece of information and you would want to do this with the supervision of a practitioner and progressively depending of what the prescription is.
This is a reminder on our very own self-activities and how we can choose a different way of caring for our health if we might just be more attentive and listen to our bodies and learn how to work our body with our mind more in synch.
Then we might have a real health-care system instead of a sick one and we might be a lot more energy efficient with an internal economy a lot more performant with a lot more Qi in our reservoir, our Qibank if we just cultivate being in touch with our very own inner nature !!

Sounds all familiar????
Cause what we are internally is what we become externally.
We can be a lot more Qi efficient being if we just will follow the laws of nature….and listen!

Oh! I forgot Medical Qigong has evolved over 5000years old- Would you say it has passed the test of time?
Could it be then that it is because it is aligned with the laws of nature?
I don’t believe the wild animals take drugs when they are ill, jeez! I am not sure the moon ever had a weight issue and I wonder if the ocean gets anti-depressants? cause it would have good reasons to:)

Just Practice Qigong and get a CranioSacral therapy session when your body asks you and if you never had one, then it might be time to start so you get to experience you life in a whole new way, the real way
the highway, the natural way:)
Do it now call for to schedule a session.
561-707 5501