The passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England is touching us profoundly and moving us into a new era. She served her people so well and for so long that we might all have felt that we were related to her and that she would live forever. Her passing feels like losing our grandmother or great aunt; we all share this deep sense of loss and sadness as the fall approaches. She has become an icon and will be a role model for women and how she can be herself and relax while performing her duties so well.
Her passing is personally moving me to share with you a side of me you may not know. I am also a “blue-blood,” which means that I was born into a noble family, which makes us “Royals.”
My full name is really “Marie-Clotilde Couturier de Marqué, de Peguyant, de Larbouste, de Terne” and I am a Countess.
My son Dorian was always both proud and amused when I would tell my full name, and I remember feeling the same combined feelings and emotions when our mother would also give us her full name. She was also very proud that our nobility titles were transmissible to men and women.
A Bit of History
In 1792, the French Revolution ended France’s monarchy. King Louis XVI and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette, were imprisoned and executed by guillotine, and this is why the French people do not have official Royals.
Our mother was just one year older than Queen Elizabeth II of England. She loved the Queen and even looked a lot like her.
Our mother notoriously respected dignity and nobility and the family stories she transmitted as they had been for many generations. She was a great storyteller, and we would remember with precision stories we learned as we grew up. Our mother would NEVER celebrate Bastille Day, which is the commemoration of the French Revolution. She would classically close her shutters to not partake in festivities and instead go to bed early. I understand how she could have felt. How can we be so happy to commemorate such barbarism?
Our firstborn first cousin, Martial de Marqué, holds our genealogy family tree’s original and official cadasters. We have a family seal, and our family is officially registered in the French National Archives.
Although the French people destroyed their monarchy 230 years ago, our family continued to respect our lineage and ancestors and what it meant to be a royal descendant, traced from the cadaster to 1450 and Louis the XI.
So here is how the hierarchy goes:
- 1. King/Queen
- 2. Duke/Duchess
- 3. Marquess / Marchioness
- 4. Earl/ Countess
- 5. Viscount/ Viscountess
- 6. Baron/ Baroness
→ So Earl/Countess is 4th down from the Queen/King!!
Growing up with profound reverence and respect for our lineage was part of our upbringing. This culture might not be acknowledged as it is in other European countries like England, yet, it has been taught to us and imprinted in our bloodline.
The passing of the Queen of England wakes in me further confirmation of my personal and professional life choices.
This confirmation is for my work with CranioSacralQigong® and how the forces have led me to choose my teachers carefully.
My upbringing trained me early in developing the ability to discern teachers and teachings and to choose teachers with lineages. I speak a lot about these lineages in my upcoming book,, since CranioSacralQigong® is precisely the joining of two different lines in traditional medicines, one from the East and the other from the West.
As I am currently finishing the last edits of my book “CRANIOSACRALQIGONG VOL.1 PATHWAYS TO CONSCIOUSNESS POWER“, I am understanding even more these subtleties that I was not acknowledging as a young woman, because I needed to be free to move where I was called to be, including becoming a US citizen and choosing to live in America, from an early age.
Lineages are precious; they offer the next-generation stable tracks and strong shoulders to stand. And when we follow and respect these tracks and traditions that have passed the test of time, we judiciously evolve them to pass them on to the next generation with intelligence, care, love, and respect.
The passing of Queen Elizabeth touches me. It is a transmission to the next generation, which has been respected, valued, embraced, and developed over many generations. Queen Elisabeth was one of the most loved women in the world. She was firm yet gentle, bright, and she knew how to laugh. She was so loving and caring, I love her soft yet firm expression and all her beautiful wrinkles. In her passing, we feel the opening of the field of our consciousness and a “Bridge with Heaven.”
My family and I send prayers and condolences to the Royals and theirs.
So, would you please call me “Countess Dr. Cloe“?
I was only kidding, although I will respond to it also!
I am an American, and I stand on the shoulders of the teachers who have elevated me and my work. I can’t change my blood, and I am proud of it!

God Save The Kings and the Queens
PS: Watch for my blog coming up NEXT within a few weeks as many transformations are manifesting fast in this new chapter of our lives and the upcoming completion and publication of my book CRANIOSACRALQIGONG VOL.1 PATHWAYS TO CONSCIOUSNESS POWER
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